Aku, pidato dan...
Assalamualaikum kengkawan semua. minggu lepas aku amat sibuk sebab first, aku still training kat Gusto Restaurant and second, sebab aku join pidato Bahasa Melayu kat kedutaan. Memandangkan aku ni still trainig kat restoran tu so banyak la menda2 yang aku kena hafal macam goreng kentang berapa minit, udang lak camne pastu nak decorate makanan lagi. Dan dalam masa yang sama aku nak kena hafal pidato aku lagi so, pidato aku tak hafal hehe..main flash card je..But guess what, i got third place (from five contestants)!!

The first winner sure deserved the prize. That dude spoke like ahhh..dont know the word but he was really great man, i meant really really great. Congratulation! The second prize went to this boy who entered both the malay and english speech. And, because he was good, got second prize for both category which means that he got two iPod Nano 2G hahahaha..this was my dream.

And as for me, the third place, got this portable hard disk by IOdata. 40Gig(bigger than iPod Nano hehe..). I still cant use this hard disk because this one is infected by virus. No joke. So I have to send back this hard disk to IOdata and wait for the new one to come. Either I want to use it or sell it through Yahoo! Auction or keep it. But this dude really means a lot to me hahaha..

I want to do better than third prize so I guess I ll try again next year! Apa-apa pun, aku bersyukur kepada Allah. Alhamdulillah...
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