Oh God, please..
I just dont know what to do with myself..exam is just around the corner, my revision is still undone. it doesnt even reach 40% of what I had learned. what's the different between "memorize" and "understand"? every time people talks about "Kefahaman itu penting, bukan hafal", is he lying? do you it's true? I'm starting to doubt it. there is no such thing like "dont need to hafal to get good marks". but people still talks about it. huwarghhhhh....after that motorcycle accident, my head is just not as good as before anymore. I have to really read something, I mean really REALLY read before I could memorize it. God please, give me back my strenght..

whats this? haha..I came across this nice magnet table clock when I was walking around Tama Plaza(you have to stop here before you can go to Minami Osawa Outlet Store). they got nice shops over there and a beautiful view too hehe..so ok for now. I have new J-Drama to watch while waiting for subuh hehe...(what about your revision?)

whats this? haha..I came across this nice magnet table clock when I was walking around Tama Plaza(you have to stop here before you can go to Minami Osawa Outlet Store). they got nice shops over there and a beautiful view too hehe..so ok for now. I have new J-Drama to watch while waiting for subuh hehe...(what about your revision?)
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