Somewhere in Ikuta
Yesterday we, me, Yu and Azman were dead bored so I asked Yu to take us to a temple somewhere in Ikuta where we can view Shinjuku and Ikebukuro from up there. After Dawos arrived, the journey began. We walk for about 30 minutes I think before we really reach ed a place that is not in Ikuta. First I saw a museum(according to Yu).

And then the journey continued untill we met a man made forest I think. Not sure.

A few more step into the forest and we finally found the temple. I was busy taking pictures and forgot to see Shinjuku and Ikebukuro from up there. And the photography session began.

The Temple

Me and The Temple

Dawos, Yu and Azman On the way back we got lost and gambled ourself untill we met the railway. It must be 40 minutes walking before we arrived back. Thank you Dawos, Yu and Azman. Otsukaresama desu! Look foward for other trip in the future!

The Temple

Me and The Temple

Dawos, Yu and Azman
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