I called my friend last night after I came back from Minato Mirai, Yokohama. we talked about so many things and one of it was about our other friend. this friend, the subject, shared me his problem before but I dont remember either he said to me to keep it as a secret or not. so I told his problem to my friend on the phone. but I still felt like it was a mistake to talk about other peoples prob and if I want to, I shouldnt tell it to someone that might know the person involved.

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and right after I finnished talking, the person that I talked about buzz me on YM. I felt like he knew we were talking about him just now. hope that this is not a big deal for him. love you man. sorry. I will confess to you later!
p/s: my old tag board is back and aku betul2 tak sabar nak upload pics yang aku amik masa kat Yokohama. tima kaseh Nab dan Azman! tiramisu meeeeeeemang seeedap!!!

refleksi diri
and right after I finnished talking, the person that I talked about buzz me on YM. I felt like he knew we were talking about him just now. hope that this is not a big deal for him. love you man. sorry. I will confess to you later!
p/s: my old tag board is back and aku betul2 tak sabar nak upload pics yang aku amik masa kat Yokohama. tima kaseh Nab dan Azman! tiramisu meeeeeeemang seeedap!!!
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