Life Dull
I was watching gol&gincu episode 3 when I suddenly realized so many things. the script writer was like reading my problems and send me the answer through that drama. everybody is different. I know this fact and agree with it but the problem is I cant accept it. I always think about everybody around me. I just cant ignore them and be selfish. those japaneses are really self-centered selfish SOAB and yet I still think about them, either my reasearch partner has done his work, do they know the experiment result is wrong and other things. I even let my research partner submitted his report, which I rewrite again because of his foolishness(for God sake you are japanese! takkan tak reti tulis bahasa Jepun kot? MF), so that prof wont think that my research partner is sucks, so that prof will think good of him because he rewrite that report. I did that because I am hoping that he is like me, acknowledge my thought towards him and will try to be better for the next time. because of I am hoping everyone is like me, I hurt myself a lot. yes, now I know what I did was wrong. I should hand in that rewritten report myself and then tell him whats his problems is.

Hati Hujan
in gol&gincu, puteri said something that hit me. something that made me smile by myself was about typical Malay.
Zie: What does being Malay mean to you?
Puteri: Listening to Malay music, eating sambal belacan, being spiteful, nosy, lazy, polite..
listening to Malay music? I am but not only Malay, I listen to mat saleh songs, jepun, indonesia, hindustan(huwa ini bila kena mood memang layan hehe..) and any kind of genre too. eating sambal belacan? hahaha..really miss my mom's sambal belacan. eat with ikan goreng panas. ya Allah nak balik Malaysia!!! being spiteful? I dont remember any except when I was thinking to breaking up my ex from her new boyfren hahaha..(sorry R!) nosy, well thats me I guess. lazy? this hit right in my face kehkehkehkeh(laughing my ass off!!) and polite. isnt this ironic? Malays are spiteful and yet they are polite. I do try to be polite as much as I can though.
p/s: Malay Dilemma by Mahathir Mohammad, excellent excuses for Malay being lazy. nice dude!

Hati Hujan
in gol&gincu, puteri said something that hit me. something that made me smile by myself was about typical Malay.
Zie: What does being Malay mean to you?
Puteri: Listening to Malay music, eating sambal belacan, being spiteful, nosy, lazy, polite..
listening to Malay music? I am but not only Malay, I listen to mat saleh songs, jepun, indonesia, hindustan(huwa ini bila kena mood memang layan hehe..) and any kind of genre too. eating sambal belacan? hahaha..really miss my mom's sambal belacan. eat with ikan goreng panas. ya Allah nak balik Malaysia!!! being spiteful? I dont remember any except when I was thinking to breaking up my ex from her new boyfren hahaha..(sorry R!) nosy, well thats me I guess. lazy? this hit right in my face kehkehkehkeh(laughing my ass off!!) and polite. isnt this ironic? Malays are spiteful and yet they are polite. I do try to be polite as much as I can though.
p/s: Malay Dilemma by Mahathir Mohammad, excellent excuses for Malay being lazy. nice dude!
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