nice work there
I want to recognize my frens, paan and mE whos got their photos published in Situs Digital Fhoto Jeritan Jiwa . paan was known to be good in art during the skool time and maybe kuah dah tumpah ke nasi because his father is an architect, same as what he will be in the future, together with zelman, his big bro. not like me, he choose to continue his life in art, something that paan, anis and I cherished before. me, now taking engineering as my path and dont draw as much as those days anymore. paan always said that my drawing was geometrical and technical, didnt come from my heart. yup I know. I trained myself to be good in art. Situs Digital Fhoto Jeritan Jiwa published 2 pictures from paan(known as paan754 there)


and my next fren is mE. know this akak from blogging. always talks about her feeling toward her Ariff and shares her emotional pain. mE sure likes camera but same as me, dont have enough money to buy DSLR camera(but I dont know about now). using only her usual digikame, her pictures got published in Situs Digital Fhoto Jeritan Jiwa(known as alongariff there). for me, thats really great. hope to see more nice touch from mE in the next theme.


the new theme are out already so see you guys there. as for me, I ll try to find something nice and hope that my next picture will be publish too hehe..yoshhh gambare!!


and my next fren is mE. know this akak from blogging. always talks about her feeling toward her Ariff and shares her emotional pain. mE sure likes camera but same as me, dont have enough money to buy DSLR camera(but I dont know about now). using only her usual digikame, her pictures got published in Situs Digital Fhoto Jeritan Jiwa(known as alongariff there). for me, thats really great. hope to see more nice touch from mE in the next theme.


the new theme are out already so see you guys there. as for me, I ll try to find something nice and hope that my next picture will be publish too hehe..yoshhh gambare!!
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