Aku dan cahaya

dan pasal kerisauan aku, aku call. aku kalah. bodoh betul. rasa cam semua org gelakkan aku. bodoh betul. but you know what ayams, I dont care. and if that person already started to think that I am annoying, will be glad to hear that from her. if she can say that clearly I may not call or hoping for her anymore. even tonite, during the half time, I called her again. just to make sure she doesnt miss her favourite team's match, Italy(and its sucks even more when France lost). why do I care actually? life is really hard if you dont know what really happening in yourself. even though you know, but if you cant make the decission, or you made the decission but you cant follow it, you will end up being me. a STUCKER hahaha..
DJ Titi - Separuh Hidupku is a great song. uploaded. download and enjoy. thanks to mE. walaupun lagu ni tak sesuai dengan keadaan aku sekarang, aku tetap layan. dan jugak lagu Samsons - Kenangan Terindah. ayat2 puitis dan penuh makna. belajar2 la dengar lagu dan hayati lirik sebab seni itu tidak terhad pada nada dan rentak, tetapi jugak pada kata2 dan perasaan pencipta lagu.
komen? tak payah...
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