I dont want you!!

3 budak ensem
dah lama aku nak menaip dalam densya hehe..saja nak buat smart. nak berlagak sikit. selalu jugak aku tengok mamat2 jepun dok buat cam power dalam densya so I thought why dont I give it a try.
I was a jerk. thats nothing to argue about. one of the reasons, I fake my feelings a lot. I can fake love and made the girl that I am going out with thought that I love her so much. I can make a girl like me even by phone or sms. but it stops after the accident. I stop faking my feelings towards woman and started to look for someone that I can build something serious. and then I found one, we were together for 3 years(I couldnt remember precisely) and then we broke up. now I am alone again. I try to be the person that can fake feelings again but I just cant. I cant stop myself from thinking about future. I cant be that boy who doesnt think about anything else but himself again. I met a lot of cute japanese girls. some of my friends said that this is the best time for me to look for japanese girlfriend because I am single. but everytime I want to start my move I just cant help myself thinking that everything is bullshit and atlast will only break somebody's heart. the same goes to malay girls that I met. I look at them but I dont see love. I dont love xxx. I DONT LOVE XXX. wish I never knew her. shit.

3 budak ensem+1 budak hitam
serius aku rasa kosong. semoga kawan2 aku tak jadi camni. semoga kawan2 aku sentiasa bahagia dengan orang tersayang. dan fungsi komen akan dimatikan semula. mungkin lepas ni aku akan letak tagbod balik sebab blog ni dah betul2 jadik sunyi...
hehehe..camna la aku leh letak entry tanpa gambar ni. recently makin banyak entry aku yg takde gambar. so aku masukkan gambar. gambar time aku ke gotemba dgn izal, dawos dgn sepot. dan diingatkan entry dan gambar tiada apa2 kaitan. sekian tima kaseh.
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