Nafsu Kuda

my life is in such miserable state right now.. plus i have a lot to do to complete my study.. if you are looking for frequently updated blog, you maybe want to try this one --> Azhar Ahmad's Blog. sori about my boring post before.. sometimes its good to let out things that u have been thinking alone for a long time.. semalam, i think i proved my theory. when somebody loves u so much, he or she can feel whenever u get arouse.. when u get that erotic feeling (things like this happen a lot to guys, mostly to the married or divorced one). since it has been a while bil air tak bayar (no komen on this issue), you know, that erotic feelings attacked me yesterday.. and i fought back, try to sleep or think about other stuffs like how about if i cant graduate etc. it was 8am. suddenly two person pm me on YM. one was my lovely princess and the other one was my ex. both of them claimed they got this strong feeling of missing me hehe..

so, how can my theory helps u guys out there? camni.. if you are married, dont do stupid stuff like jump on someone else D (if u are a woman, sometimes this also can be applied to men wahahah..) or have one nite stand with your hot collegues because, your couple can feel it if she or he really loves you. although she was not there, maybe far away, but she sure can feel it. and you sure fucked up if you love your couple too because you ll be living with this guilty feeling, as long as you two live together. love will come together with lust but lust sometimes come alone hehe.. control yourself. call your lover if she or he is far away. tell them how do you feel at that time. maybe they cant help you to fill your desire (phonesex is an option, webcam will help more) but you sure warn yourself and that strong love will help you go through it. insyaAllah.

p/s: this is my opinion, personal view, which i think is practical. sure you can read Quran or do semayang sunat if that will help you more hehe..peace!
