
Since my internet connection became slower I think its better to format my system partition(that is C:/ in most computers). By formating the partition, as you know, you will lose all the files and viruses. And because everytime I'm going to do this I will accidentally delete some of files that I need, as a precaution I did check about what files I want to back up or what files that I want to delete. But you know what hehe..I did it again, like Britney said. I delete some html files that I'm going to complete it later. Jom sambung study balik hehe..

Kukatakan Dengan Indah


HUwaAaAAAhhh..what a week..now is my exam week and I still got another one paper left on the next Monday but I am not going to study now hehe..I ll wait till the last second, untill Sunday night, before I start to do my revision again haha..Since I dont have my own meja study so I have to merempat at the diner table and study. And because Baem is watching television, I have to put on my headphone *sigh*..Sometime I just feel like I am not living in my own place because there are so much to think about the others. Wish one day I can have my own house and I can do everything I like hehe..Nabhan took my picture while I was studying and i didnt get my time to give you all my best pose hahahahah..

Is it gay to have your own blog? Since I met so many gay and adek2 that own a blog it makes me to start thinking about myself. I am not gay but I like to have my own website, I like to show my arts, comics, works and the most important is that I want to make money trough the internet. Yes I have been doing some research on how to increase traffic to my site and how to design a website using simple html code. This blog is something that I should be proud of. This blog got nothing to do with sexual confusion or being gay. Some of my friends said that I like to mencapap and that's why I put my own pictures and own a blog. I miss those days when I was a boy and cared to much about what others said about me huhu..

The True Story

When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, he said "That's one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind."

When he was leaving the moon, as he was climbing back onto the space ship, he said to himself "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky."

Back on Earth, someone asked "What was that", and Neil Armstrong said it was a personal thing, and he'd rather not explain it.

But everyone was asking "Who's Gorsky?"

They thought maybe he was another astronaut Armstrong had worked with, so they looked it up, but there was no one at NASA called Gorsky. So they thought maybe it was a cosmonaut that Neil Armstrong had beaten to the moon. They looked at all the known cosmonauts, but there was no one called Gorsky.

When he landed back on Earth, the journalists asked him "When you were leaving the moon, you said 'Good luck, Mr. Gorsky'. Who's Mr. Gorsky?"

Neil Armstrong answered "It was a private moment, and I'd rather not expand on it, thank you."

For years, when he was giving speeches at events like graduations or conventions, someone would invariably ask "When you were leaving the moon, you said 'Good luck Mr. Gorsky'. Could you please tell us, who's Mr. Gorsky?" Neil Armstrong would always decline to answer.

Finally, on 5 July 1995, at a Rotary convention in Tampa Bay, Florida, someone again asked the question, and Neil Armstrong said "OK. I can tell you now, because Mr. Gorsky is dead, and the story won't embarrass anyone.

"When I was a kid, we lived next door to the Gorskys. One day, when I was ten, my brother hit the baseball over the fence, and I had to retrieve it from outside the Gorskys bedroom.

"As I was retrieving the ball, I heard Mrs. Gorsky speaking to Mr. Gorsky, and she said 'Oral sex! I won't give you oral sex until the kid next door walks on the moon!'"

something from my friend..

Katalah kita ni polis, sedang duduk dalam kereta
peronda kita sambil
minum kopi. Tiba-tiba radio kita berbunyi, mengatakan
ada dua kes yang
diminta kita menangani salah satu darinya. Dua-dua kes
orang kena tangkap
mencuri.Kes pertama di kampung hulu, seorang lelaki
ditangkap mencuri
duit seringgit.Kes kedua di kampung hilir, seorang
warga asing kena
tangkap mencuri duit 20 ribu ringgit.

Kes mana yang kita kejarkan dulu? Agaknya tentulah
kita segera berkejar
ke kampung hilir, ye tak? I mean, apalah sangat duit
seringgit, itupun
nak report polis ke? Tapi bagaimana kalau lepas tu
kita tahu hakikatnya

Dalam kes pertama, duit itu kepunyaan seorang anak
yatim piatu peminta
sedekah, dan duit itu sajalah yang ada padanya untuk
digunakan membeli
roti setelah beberapa hari tak makan? Sedangkan dalam
kes kedua, duit
itu kepunyaan orang kaya bakhil yang seumur hidupnya
tak pernah keluar

Tiba-tiba, baru kita sedar perbezaannya, antara
prinsip dan
appearance.Kalau ikut prinsip, tentulah kes pertama
lebih berat, walaupun hanya
melibatkan duit seringgit. Tapi sebab kita hidup ini
dah biasa
menghakimkan orang serta peristiwa dari segi luaran,
maka selalu minda kita
tertipu. Stephen Covey, dalam bukunya "Seven Habits of
Highly Effective
People" menceritakan pula begini

Kita sedang duduk di sebuah bangku dalam taman. Sedang
kita enak
menikmati sandwic dan Coke kita di tengah taman dengan
udara bertiup lembut
itu,tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki bersama 2 orang
anak kecilnya duduk
di sebelah kita. Lelaki itu hanya menung panjang
melihat ke tasik dan
mendiamkan diri sementara anak-anaknya berlarian macam
menjerit-jerit sekuat hati. Orang yang lalu lalang
semuanya melihat dengan kening
berkerut-kerut perangai budak-budak yang tak tahu
hormat pada orang
lain tu. Kita pun lama-lama semakin bengang. Setan
sungguh budak ni!
Apahal mamat ni diammm je, tak nak tegur ke anak-anak
dia ni? Lepas dah tak
tahan sangat, kita pun tegur lelaki itu. Boleh tak
encik suruh
anak-anak encik tu dok diam-diam, saya tengah nak
makan sandwic ni! Lelaki itu
melihat pada kita seketika sebelum tersenyum
sedikit."Maafkan saya,"
kata lelaki itu. "Dan maafkan anak-anak saya tu.
Sebenarnya, isteri saya
- ibu mereka - baru meninggal dunia sebab kanser di
hospital, dan saya
tak tahu macamana nak terangkan pada mereka hal ini."
Kemudian dia
sambung lagi: "Biarlah saya bawa mereka ke tempat lain
supaya tak menganggu
anda makan." Apa rasa kita masa itu?

Sebab itulah bila teringat ayat Qur'an mengatakan,
beza antara manusia
itu hanyalah iman dan taqwa, saya sering berasa
menyesal. Sebab saya
selalu menghukum orang melihat keadaan luarannya!
Bagaimana dengan anda? fikir-fikirkanlah.....


Oh God, please..

I just dont know what to do with myself..exam is just around the corner, my revision is still undone. it doesnt even reach 40% of what I had learned. what's the different between "memorize" and "understand"? every time people talks about "Kefahaman itu penting, bukan hafal", is he lying? do you it's true? I'm starting to doubt it. there is no such thing like "dont need to hafal to get good marks". but people still talks about it. huwarghhhhh....after that motorcycle accident, my head is just not as good as before anymore. I have to really read something, I mean really REALLY read before I could memorize it. God please, give me back my strenght..

whats this? haha..I came across this nice magnet table clock when I was walking around Tama Plaza(you have to stop here before you can go to Minami Osawa Outlet Store). they got nice shops over there and a beautiful view too hehe..so ok for now. I have new J-Drama to watch while waiting for subuh hehe...(what about your revision?)


Recently in Japan a photographer took a picture that shocked every person who saw it. It is a picture of Ultramen at a stadium watching baseball. Koizumi said that since all the raksaksa had been killed, Ultramen think that they should take a break and at the same time do some training to maintain their strenght. Koizumi, who was said ex-boyfren of Ultraman Dyna, stated that he got the information from his old girlfriend via sms.

taken from normaiza's friendster page

Really need to share this. Its true you see..

Malaysians are getting married at older age. Why?
Let me give an example.
It is a little bit long example. If you want
to skip it, there is a
summary at the end.

Say you are a fresh graduate at that age of 23, a
male, starting a carrier
as an executive officer working somewhere in KL with
a salary, say RM2000
per month and without any saving in the bank.
Monthly, extracting your
expenditures on foods, transportation (public or
motorcycle), electricity,
water, phone, house rent and other expenses, say you
can save about RM800
the most. Then, because you are a good son, you
send some money to your
parents or relatives about RM300 per month. This will
give you a balance of
RM500 of saving. For the first year, maybe you are
very discipline with
your budget, so you save about RM5000.

The next year at the age of 24, you meet a girl of
your dream. Both of you
plan to get married after one year or two. Ok,
that's fine, it gives you
time to save some more money and some more time
to prepare the basic
necessities for a 'happy' family? a car and a roof to
live under. That year
because you are a hard worker, you get a raise of 10%.
Since you are also a
gentleman, you make sure some money is put aside
to spend on dates and
gifts for your girl, so 10% goes for her. Like the
previous year, after
much sweat and meggie-eating months, you save another
RM5000. Your company
is doing ok. You are paid 2 months bonus. So,
another RM4000 is added to
your saving. So, your total saving now is
RM14,000. You decide to spend
about RM8000 on a brand-new RM40,000 car
down payment. So, you net saving
that year is RM6000.

The next year at the age of 25, you are doing fine
at work. But because
now you have to pay for car every month, your total
monthly saving is cut
down to about RM400. You save roughly about RM5000
that year. No bonus that
year because your company is doing poor. So, your
total saving in the bank
is RM11,000. Then, you decide to get engaged with
your girlfriend. She
said OK. So, need to buy an engagement ring. RM1500
is spent on ring plus
'hantaran pertunangan'. So, your net saving that year
is RM9,500.

The next year at the age of 26, you get promoted. Your
salary now is 1.5 of
your starting salary at the company. Good news! You
think. "Ok, this year
I will get married". You also are 'gersang' already.

So, you ask your fiancée "how much is the dowry
(hantaran)? "
She say, "berapa-berapa yang u sanggup".
You ask,"RM5000 ok?".
She replies, "I okay je. Tapi my mom tu. Dia kata
grad oversea macam I ni
mane boleh letak rendah-rendah. Paling kurang RM10,000

Your eyes 'terjegil', your tounge 'meleleh' and
you faint on the spot.
"Where else in the world can I get extra money?", you
say to yourself. But,
because you are very determined to get married with
your dream girl and in
the name of love, you work really really hard
that year until you are
awarded "The Best Employee of The Year". You get 3
months of bonus. You
also do some side business to supply ayam pencen.
So, roughly your net
saving at the end of that year is RM20,000.

Ok, now you are 27 years old with enough saving in
the bank to pay for the
dowry. But then, come your mom saying,"Anak mak nak
kawin ni mesti la buat
grand grand. Kita sewa khemah besar-besar, jemput
penyanyi ke artis ke
sorang dua datang buat persembahan. Lauk pauk kita
cater aje la ya? RM10 je
sekepala. Baju kawin ko, kita sewa yg cantik-cantik
dan mahal-mahal sket.
Kita jemput dalam 1000 orang datang ok?"

You did a quick in-the-head-calculation,
"1000xRM10=RM10,000, penyanyi
lagi, khemah lagi, buta-buta je RM15,000!!! Tu
tak masuk cincin kahwin
You say,"Mak, nak buat apa membazir-bazir duit ni?"
Your mom replies,"Apa pulak membazirnya? Kau kawin
sekali je seumur hidup.
Biarlah buat betul-betul."
You insist,"Tapi mak?"
Your mom says, "Dahlah, kau jangan nak buat malu mak.
Cik Tipah jiran kita
tu buat kenduri kat hotel siap dato, datin, tan sri
puan sri lagi datang.
Mana la mak nak letak muka kalau buat kenduri kecik

Anyway, you finally get married. But, a beautiful
happy life after marriage
that you dream of with your wife does not last long.
You have debts around
your waist, interest gets higher every month,
cannot afford to pay them,
you wife gets tired of you asking money from her, she
accuses you of being
irresponsible husband for not being a good provider,
blah blah blah? At the
end, you two go into separate ways? You get divorced.

Problem breeds problem? Sometimes we wonder why
marriage institution is
failing in our country. The above example may
not represent the whole
phenomena in our culture, but perhaps it gives
us some ideas of the
problems young couple these days are facing in
getting married from my

The Root Cause of The Problem...

There is something wrong in our culture. I really
think there are some
practices in our culture in Malaysia (Malay culture
specifically) that do
not make sense and especially they are contrary to
the teaching of Islam.
These practices are well-rooted in our culture that
unfortunately because
of them, many people are 'afraid' to get married, or
simply feel like they
cannot afford when they are actually can afford.
These are some of my
observation and summary analysis:

(1) Marriage should be done in the most modest way but
in Malaysia, it is
ought to be done in the most lavish way. Competition
on whose wedding is
the most grandeur is almost unavoidable. Fame is
usually the reason why
people spend unreasonable and wasteful amount of money
for a wedding.

(2) The "price" of a woman is measured according to
her perhaps educational
background, physical attributes and family social
status not according to
her knowledge and understanding of Deen and
piety as suggested by the
religion. The saddest thing is that "price" is
put on women, who are
supposed to be, if God-loving, kind-hearted and
pious ones, "priceless"!
'Dowry' system is adopted by the Malays from perhaps
the Indians who came
to Malaysia long time ago. When the 'dowry' is put
too high and men can't
afford to pay, marriage is usually delayed or
cancelled. An effort to build
another small brick unit of this Deen is delayed or
perhaps destroyed only
for this reason.

(3) Marriage should be a quick and easy process for
the couple not hard,
which eventually becomes a burden. These days,
we make marriage so
complicated that people are afraid of getting
married. When I was in the
US, I saw Muslim brothers and sisters getting
married at the mosque, with
just some sweets as the main course for the
guests. The guests who were
invited to witness the ceremony were usually whoever
prayed jemaah at the
mosque or some close relatives and friends. There
is no point of being
extravagance. We should focus on the life after
wedding not the wedding

Wedding is only a door to the marriage house.
Why should we spent a
lot of money to decorate the door so
beautifully, when the inside of
the house is then left empty, dark and

...and the pressure is on men...

Teh Tarik Crew

Two weeks before there was a wedding held at Yoyogi Uehara Mosque and I was called and asked to be the drink maker[is this right?]or to be more specific, a Pembancuh Teh Tarik hehe..so I went there and did my thing haha..

A malay guy married a japanese girl(of course she is a muslim) and Chie-san is the cutest bride I ever saw in my life. We took one picture together after I asked her husband but I dont wanna put it here since Chie-san didnt wear her hijjab properly. But for me, she was still cute though.

Hahaha..this one really looks like mamak aaa..you see that apron? I took it from Gusto. I wore it so that I will look like a cook or something hahah..but actually Raji was more in charge in cooking than me..

This man is really great in cooking. He made a nice chicken rice on the wedding day and every makcik that was there asked him the recipe. He is a "full package husband" you see.

The New Look!!

to all my frens, welcome to my new page hehe..this my new :: mr.FADziL :: blogsite. I am thinking about buying a domain, www.pakden.com would be nice hehe..but anyway this is my site for now. what do you think about this new look? sesuai? tak sesuai? it took me one week and some parts are still under construction. the opening flash killed most of my times. actually I can download and set up Blogskin but I want something that is unique and only belongs to me. so this is it. something unique. please let me know what you all think about this design. your feed back will be greatly appreciate.
