huwaaaaa..so sad and tensen. one of my free server stopped their free service and that is why you all cant see some of the pictures and buttons in this blog anymore. this will be quite a job to upload all the buttons back to its place. since the amount of works will be as equal as creating new blog(thinking too much) so I'm thinking about changing the concept of my blog. it sounds impossible though hehe.. another sad story, one of my fren, AJAT said that she wants to do blogging no more. means that she wants to stop. this words kill my spirit to blog too. but you know what, this kind of feeling come and go everytime actually. not only about blogging, but most about anything. relationship, love, work, study etc. thats why we need commitment, to fight back with this negative side of ourself. hehe..but I think Ajat said that because she needs some encouragement from her frens, and at the same time to check out either anyone is reading her blog hehe..manja budak ni (sori ek Ajat kalau aku buat spekulasi!) I read your blog la cik Ajat kekeke..(but of course not eberiday) p/s: to Ajat, about ur exam, thinking about it now will not help. genki shite!!!
 A Lufthansa 747-400 and a United 757-200 are on a simultaneous landing approach on the parallel runways 28L and 28R at SFO. Real runway separation is 225 meters.Due to the telephoto distortion, the Jumbo 747 being 3 times larger than the 757 and being behind it, gives us this fantastic optical illusion that they are flying inches from each other!!!
How do you do?
 This is the Pulitzer Prize winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards an United Nation food camp, located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the child to die so it can eat him. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken. Three moth later he committed suicide due to depression.
keywords: FUN, MTV, MP3, SITI NURHALIZA, MAWI, MEALS I've been working in Gusto's kitchen for quite some time and there are a lot of things that I think should be shared with other muslims in Japan. Before that, you all should know, this is what I observe in Gusto Ikuta, things may be different in other places. First, about the fried foods, including the potato fries, shrimps, everything, is not halal because they use the same oil tank to fry BUTA. The steaks and burgers are not halal although they are imported from Aussie. And to my supprise, they use Saudi boneless chicken, that is halal, to make grilled chicken. But since they are using the same plate to grill burgers and steaks, I'll think twice before saying the grilled chicken is halal. The manager is so nice and funny person. He laughs a lot and always speak broken japanese english with me hehe..the other workers are fine too but seems like they are making fun of me behind my back. But you know what hehe, I dont care. Just want the money. The dish washer is a great machine. Every machine in the kitchen will make buzz sound. The microwave will buzz, the dish washer will buzz, the order machine will buzz when new order comes in, the door will buzz when customers come and go. Its confusing me actually. I cant tell either my pasta is done, the dishes are clean or new order comes in. Today, something happened and made my senior colleagues think that I'm dumb. In Japan, hamba-gu[hamburger] and ba-ga[burger] are totally different things. One order came and it was hamba-gu, my head was thinking about burger, so I took out bun and grill the burger meat. Then the manager, who was there in the kitchen, suddenly cried my name and said, "Ben, hamba-gu, not ba-ga! This no good. NG", while pocking my chest with his finger. Others had mocking smile on their face.
Huwaaaa..what the hell happening with me? Firstly, an nyou haseyo! Hehe..nice eh? This stuff I learned from my Korean buddy, Che. Really remind me of Che Guevara but this Che is not a revolutionary, he's one of my Korean buddies hehe. Lately I have been working on this robot. I am taking a class, Mechatronics Practice and we, in group of three, must make our robot works or fail this class. It's that easy hehe..so here I am. You see all that stuffs? We have to buy it with our own money. Dont know either will get back the money or not. I just dont care although it costed me quite a lot. Hehe..thanks to Baem for this picture. Me, giving my angry look hahaha..really enjoying myself doing this robot. I guess I like designing things. This is the lower layer. This robot will have two layers, the power circuit will be on this layer together with the sensor circuit and the second layer will support the IC circuit board and the motor driver circuit. You dont understand this? Ignore it. Carefully making small holes for the long screws. Actually I bought to many long screws. Useless. Need to reduce the cost actually, but I am not. By the way my team members still dont pay me their shares. Will ask them later. Horaaa..this is the front view. You see the tentacles? This is actually an Octo-bot hehe..The fullname will be Octopus Robot, the new generation of Optimus Prime (what the..?) Haha..because it will be very fast, I want to name it Super Latest Octopus Wheel a.k.a SLOW hehe..ironic!!! Got this joke from a film. Forgot the tittle. Yes, this is my baby. No, our baby hehe. My group consist of me, Che and sempai(dont know this guy's name) and I am glad to be given this job to design the robot. I made it as simple as I can so that there will be no prob if we need to repair the circuit board later. Will you move baby?
MTVs and PVs
I have quite a collection of malay, indonesia and english MTVs and video clips. I decided to put the list here so that you can find any MTV that you want. To see the list, click the thumbnails below. After that, send me an email or just leave a msg here so that I can upload the file somewhere and you guys can get it from there. Or maybe I can directly send it via YM or email, if its possible. But I rather put the link here in this blog so others can get it too. Yea yeah I know some of you have a lot more than me. So this is not for you then.
Meiji Konpa
Meiji University organised a party for its foreign student and I, as a new Pakden and the Malaysian students representative, went there together with my fren, En.Yuzaini. We did some research about foreign girls student in Meiji there hehe..and the most "subur" one goes to chinese kakaka...and the korean student is the most "kawaii". This is me with my teacher on the right and one chinese "akak" on the left. Me doing poyo by wearing the name tag upside down.  And to all girls out there, this is Song from Korea. Single and not gay. Good boy. Same campus with me in Ikuta and doing architecture. He also thinks that japanese dont like foreigners although he looks just like one of them hehe..gambare Song!  After long research at the party, me and Yuzaini went to Starbucks near the Takashimaya for some coffee. They got new latte and its so good. Tension. Think that my english is so f*** up. Can I write in malay? By the way, I will start my work as an assistant cook next week. I ll do my best. Trying my best to be rich.