Ayam SukaHati hehe...seEeEEDap!!

1. sediakan ayam boneless, hiris nipis dan lumurkn bersama lada sulah, garam dan sedikit lemon juice. tabur sedikit black pepper. biarkan 10-13 minit.
2. potong lettuce kepingan 1cmx1cm. cuci sehingga yakin bersih, taburkan sedikit garam dan lada sulah. sedikit gula adalah optional.
3. panaskan kuali dan gunakan sedikit majerin supaya ayam tidak melekat di kuali. pastikan kuali panas sebelum memasukkan ayam dan ayam perlu sentiasa ditekan untuk 3 minit pertama. kemudian terbalikkan ayam, titiskan sedikit sos tiram juga gula, tutup kuali selama 6 minit.
4. makan ketika panas dan ketika tiada orang di rumah. jika terdapat orang lain di rumah pastikan bilangan ketulan ayam mencukupi kerana khuatir pergaduhan mungkin berlaku.

My Sweet Ayuni and Her Crazy Mom

I was looking for some old pictures when I came across this sweet card dedicated to me by my sweet niece, Ayuni(of course it was made by my sister hehe..) she is really cute although she has some dental problems but I know she will grow up to be a nice young woman. I have a lot of things to write today. I cannot sleep because I usually work at night. This is the another picture of Ayuni. love her so much. wish she is my daughter so that I can take her away from my sister hahaha(jahat betul)

Madarao before

In February, we went to Madarao 2 days 3 nights for snowboarding. It was fun and exiciting. The hotel was nice and they served great foods. Ask Kaled because he ate a lot hahaha...(we all ate a lot!!). For me and Yu, we still want to go snowboarding. 2 days was not enough. Thanks to Jemey for teaching me how to play snowboard correctly hehe..but I still have to learn more before and I can jump or slide on the rail. I am really hoping that Fakhrin can arrange this kind of trip next year. I cannot think straight now. I will write more later.

Not Working

Asssssssalamualaikum kengkawan. dah lama aku tak letak posting dalam Bahasa Melayu hehehe..dulu mula2 start guna English sebab Google Adsense tak support Bahasa Melayu. tapi orang cakap lepas di approve nak guna Bahasa Melayu balik pun ok tapi memandangkan sesetengah pelawat blog ni tak paham(ada la jugak kawan aku orang Korea, Jepun, Nepal, Thai etc) so aku kena tulis dalam English. sori kalau apa yg aku tulis ni sepatah pun korang tak paham hehehe...

OK, pasal link kat sebelah tu yg tak berfungsi. camni, page untuk dua2 link tu aku hostkan/letak kat satu server free dan page tu dah melebihi had bandwitdh/penyiaran maksudnya sebab dah byk sgt orang bukak link tu so dah sampai limit. server tu pulak server free maka bandwidth dia pun terhad. aku lak gi latam(menggunakan sesuatu dengan kadar maut) sungguh2 hahaha..

Skang ni aku dalam proses dan mendapatkan balik file html yg aku letak kat server tu so aku leh host kan dia kat tempat lain lak. masalahnya skang aku takleh access lansung akaun aku kat situ(neither through browser nor ftp software). so di harap kengkawan suma dapat bersabar. aku memang boleh nak tulis/create file html baru tapi amat la malas nak buat(sifat semulajadi). lagipun html dulu tu dah teramat mantap dan menawan(penat aku setting tu huhu..)

Chef Fadzil

Someone questioned me was I really worked as an assistant cook at Gusto Family Restaurant so to answer him I think it's best for me to take some pictures. Actually I am thinking about returning back all the Gusto's belongings including this suit that I am wearing, the name tag and menu book. So before I return them back I better take some pictures hahahah...(poyo? I dont give a damn hahaha..)
This special pose is dedicated to my father who was a great cook(and still now). He worked first with Angkatan Tentera Darat and then signed a contract with Tabung Haji to work in Mekah. He also opened a cafetaria and a few small food stalls before but unluckily all of them had to be closed for some reasons(but not because the foods were bad). I really hope to open my own restaurant or cafe someday(part of my dreams hahaha..). Can you imagine "PakDEN's Cafe"? Regular visitors of this blog will get free Latte hahahaha...

Somewhere in Ikuta

Yesterday we, me, Yu and Azman were dead bored so I asked Yu to take us to a temple somewhere in Ikuta where we can view Shinjuku and Ikebukuro from up there. After Dawos arrived, the journey began. We walk for about 30 minutes I think before we really reach ed a place that is not in Ikuta. First I saw a museum(according to Yu).
And then the journey continued untill we met a man made forest I think. Not sure.
A few more step into the forest and we finally found the temple. I was busy taking pictures and forgot to see Shinjuku and Ikebukuro from up there. And the photography session began.

The Temple

Me and The Temple

Dawos, Yu and Azman
On the way back we got lost and gambled ourself untill we met the railway. It must be 40 minutes walking before we arrived back. Thank you Dawos, Yu and Azman. Otsukaresama desu! Look foward for other trip in the future!


I took this picture when I was walking to the temple.
Click here for bigger view.

The Impatient Me

Before I went out and buy CoMEL(the digital camera) I had already bid the same digital camera in Yahoo! Auction with really low price. Because I thought that it was impossible to win the auction with that price, I went out and bought the camera directly from a shop. But you know what, I actually won the camera for Yen 26,000 hahaha..this is what we call impatient. So now I am waiting for the owner to send me an email. Today is already the third day and I still dont receive any email from him hahaha..I guess he too doesnt want to sell me the camera with that price.
This is my "new" laptop. I got this laptop from this friend that I know at work. This japanese guy think that this laptop is annoying him and makes his room looks smaller(it was a small room after all haha..) so he gave it to me hehe..But yeah he is not as dumb as I thought to give me a fully functioning laptop. The 6Gig hard drive(hard disk) was broken and I have to put in my own 40Gig hard drive so that I can install new OS. I planned to install either Linux or Windows 98 into this laptop but since I still have those two installers as data file, not in shape of cd, I installed Windows XP. But if the performance is too slow, I will reinstall new OS.

CoMEL, buDEN and TiM

I love this three things so much. I am enjoying myself for the first time since I broke up with that girl. Wish I knew what I was doing back then. But that is one good experience. I guess I have to thank her after all. THANK YOU.
Haha..this is CoMEL. CoMEL is my digital camera, to be specific, my Casio Exilim EX-P505. I bought it for 32,340 Yen, equal to RM1018.00 and I really hope CoMEL will not disappoint me in giving me the best shot for my pictures. Onegai! (or I'll put you in Yahoo Auction haha..)
This is buDEN, my Portable Playstation that I bought for 32,000 Yen together with 1Gig Memory Stick Duo. This price is equal to RM1008.00. He is my best friend when I am in the train or when I go out traveling. Will I buy a UMD for you buDEN? You know I will, right?
Hoho..and finally this is TiM, my Timberland boot. Some of you guys might think that this kind of shoe is uncomfortable but actually it's not as what you are thinking. TiM is the best shoe I ever have, compared to the old Stan Smith, Nike Air Force, Nike Dunk Low, the gray Nike(forgot the name) and the other two black formal shoes. Someone stepped on TiM before because he thought that it will be a good joke to do so, I still hate him untill now huhu..I bought TiM for 12,000 Yen, about RM378.00. Hahaha! I am really enjoying my paycheck!!
